Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Count as Oral Surgery?

Wisdom teeth are the third molars that usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. But not everyone has space for these teeth in their jaws. As such, we may recommend extracting them to prevent crowding and other complications.
But does wisdom teeth removal count as oral surgery? The answer is that it depends on the patient. To get the full answer, you'll need to schedule an appointment with our dentist.
What Counts as Oral Surgery?
If the teeth haven't erupted yet, an oral surgeon will need to make an incision along the gums to extract them. In general, this type of procedure would be an out-patient oral surgery.
If the wisdom teeth have erupted, you may only need a simple extraction. This would involve your dentist using a tool called an elevator to loosen the tooth. Next, they would extract the tooth with dental forceps.
Of course, it's important to remember that each patient is different. For example, your case may be more complex if you have
. Likewise, crowding may also increase the complexity of wisdom teeth removal.During both procedures, you won't feel any pain or discomfort. For a simple extraction, we'll use local anesthesia. This numbs the tooth and surrounding tissue. For oral surgery, you'll be put under IV sedation.
Is Wisdom Teeth Removal Necessary?
You may not need your wisdom teeth removed if they’re coming in straight and there’s enough room in your jaw. That being said, most people end up needing wisdom tooth extraction.
Wisdom teeth start to form in the jaw around age 12. As such, we always track the trajectory of wisdom teeth long before they erupt. That way, we're able to prevent any complications to your oral health.
If the teeth are impacted, they can get stuck underneath the gums. If they do erupt, they may push other teeth out of the way and undo years of orthodontics. This results in crowding.
What are Other Types of Oral Surgery?
For many people, their first experience with oral surgery is wisdom teeth removal. But there are a wide range of treatments that fall under the umbrella of
.Other types of oral surgery include:
- Dental implant placement in the jawbone
- Surgery to relieve obstructive sleep apnea
- Apicoectomy
- Facial reconstruction
- Cleft palate or lip
As you can see, there's an entire field dedicated to the study and treatment of the teeth, jaws, and other oral structures.
Request an Appointment With Us
Aren't sure if you need wisdom teeth removal? Experiencing dental pain around your wisdom teeth? Schedule an appointment with our dentist in Grand Rapids, MI.
If you have an issue with your wisdom teeth, they'll develop a custom treatment plan. They'd also be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about wisdom teeth removal. That way, you can feel confident about your next steps moving forward.
To get started, call Renew Family Dental at (616) 245-3205. You may also fill out our online contact form and someone from our office will reach out to you soon.
This blog post has been updated.